(USA):(« In God We Trust »: (« Trump Declares This Sunday an « American National Day of Prayer » »!


(…)-(« Notes from the Chief Editor »)-(Yves T Bouazo)-(..)- On US dollar it’s written , (« in God we trust »), in consequence the american president (Donald Trump) declares this (« Sunday-March-15th ») an (« American National day of Prayer »), namely in times like this when the global first world is still heading for disaster because of the (« Coronavirus plague »), (« God almighty ») can be a healer and a relief to some extent!
-But human beings forget sometimes (« God almighty ») in their busy capitalist times and they are now forced to acknowledge (God) and the great power of the nature!In the same trend, the more they have victimization on their backs, they satisfy Lord for less!

-Down the line, (God) remains eternally our savior and spiritual healer.Never give up on (God).