(« Talking Points »):(« Africa Is The Brightest Future », « Africa For The Africans »), »Mother of the Civilization!


(« Closely with  » Blake J Edwards » in (New York)-(« The Intro », « Title » , « extras » and « Conclusion » are from our (Staff)(Media Mirror).

-Africa, the Continent where human life started seems to be forsaken by his own sons and daughters,in potential investments terms,but those tried to do it unfortunately died through an international conspiracy!(« Africa for the Africans ») and « our pride and dignity at home and abroad »: »African businessmen ,Be an asset to (Africa), the brightest future !

-(…)-The Nigerian billionnaire (« Dangote ») would have been the only hope for (Nigeria) and (Africa)!He could actually flip his « fifteen billion into trillions » and keep at least (25%) of (Africa) if he started investing in (Africa) now!

-Proud and pan african « colonel Ghadaffi » was about to make Africans financially significant and independence of Europeans (« Currency ») by creating African resources backed African currencies and suggesting African only negotiating with African African currency boycotting europeans currency and the Europeans and Americans Killed « Colonel Ghadaffi » dead!

-(« Confession and Repentance from Former American Secretary of State (« Hilary Clinton »)!

Down the line, former american Secretary of state (« Hilary Clinton ») not only stuck the knife in but she twisted with what she said about (« Ghadaffi’s murder »):(« We came, we saw and killed him »), and then (former american president)(Obama) said(« OK »), » we shouldn’t have done that »!In consequence, guiltiness still rests on their conscious, but they did the same thing in (Ivory coast) closely with (« former french president Sarkozy ») in (April 2011), miraculously, they failed to kill proud and conscious ivorian president (Laurent Gbagbo) who is still in the house of exile in (Brussel) in a foreign country in (Belgium)…