(US Afro Solidarity): »A Black Woman » Launched « 500.000 US Dollar » scholarship to Help Businesswomen!


-« Closely with Face 2 to face Africa. »Photo »: »Dr Velma Trayham ». »The Subtitle, title and conclusion » are from « Medias Miroir-Paris ».

-After overcoming poverty, woman launces « 500.000 us dollar » scholarship fund to help black women entrepreneurs.

-« Dr Velma Trayham » is an award-winning entrepreneur, author, speaker and economic empowerment specialist who believes that inclusive equitable businesses and communities are what drive prosperity.

-Like several enntrepreneurs, « Trayham » had a difficult upbringing.She was born into extreme poverty in Houston Texas but emerged amidst the difficulty to become a successful entrepreneur and transformationnal thinker, black news report.

-« Down the line, she learnt hustles and became an asset to the collective ».