(Spirituality): »Who Can Stand Against The Lord »?(« Nobody,no one), So « Faith into Action »!


-« Notes from the Chief Editor ». »Yves T Bouazo ».

-God almighty sees and knows our main challenges and daily hustles and will not fail to help those who put their trust in him .In other words:(« Be still and knw i am God, a true friend and a mercyful father, namely a promise keeper and a miracle worker »).Furthermore,we should not be shaken but always be still with faith into action because he is with us and always on our side.

-May God bless our « 850.000 potential readers » through (Google-top 10), in the world and keep us from harm, evil spirits by covering us with his mantle of protection.

-God is life, he is our savior, our rock, fortress and our great daily provider as well!So let’s give thanks and praises to the most high with faith into action, knowing the fact that who the Lord bless no one curse!

-Definitely, Victory belongs to « Jesus-christ »!