( African Agenda): »Algeria » in North Africa To Give A « Monthly Pay » To « Jobless People » from 19 to 40 !!


-« Closely with Face 2 to Face Africa »-« The Subtitle,the title, follow-up and conclusion » are from « Medias Miroir-Paris ». »Photo »: »Algerian dinar » (currency).

-« Reminder of the facts »:

-« Algeria » in north Africa continues to battle with rising youth unemployement, the country’s president has announced that jobless citizens will be receiving unemployement benefits.

-President « Abdelmadjid Tebboune » said this will commence in « March » and will cover people who are 19 years old to 40 yers old.

-« Down the line, it’s a good initiative but Africa the richest continent in the world, in menerals terms, deserves better that, namely its dynamic youth must have a brigthter future in Africa « !