(Roots And Culture):From Edwards J Blake-NYC-USA: »A Lot of Blacks Are Cut Off their Roots,then Have Differently Mentality!


-« From Edwars J Blake » In New York city-USA-« Photo »:Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses 3,A black AfriCan indeed.

It’s sad,differently Black people Have differently mentality And all do not think obviously And definitely.Egypt by definition became civilized,according to western definition 3300 b.c.Based on libraries judicial system education institution And sanitation system superior to Mesopotamia which classified sanitation system in 70 household And disposal of refuge(Garbage dumps) rather than living alongside garbage in homes.Black Egypt in thé ancient time Had showers at homes.

Down the line, Africa was Black people homes 5000 Years before they were brought to America as slaves.

DefinitelY, I am an african american.