(Knowledge and Excellence-USA): »13-Year-old » Becomes Young Black Person ta gain Admission into medical school!


-« In Collaboration with Face2 to face Africa ». « Photo »: »Alena Analeigh », 13-year-afro american to gain admission into medical school in Usa. »The subtitle, title,follow-up and conclusion » are from « Medias Miroir-Paris ».

-« Reminder of the facts »:

-« Alena Analeigh », the brillant black young guy was only « 12 » year -old when he gained admission into « Arizona state university » last year to pursue a course in engineering.Around that period, the teen was also enrolled at « Oakwood » university.

-And though simultaneously studying at two different universities may come off as a herculean task, « Alena », in the space of one year, has already completed over « 2 » years of college after opting to take a full course load, « 12 » reported.

-« Down the line, my people perish for lack of knowledge, in consequence the people who have been living in the darkness of ignorance must see the light of knowledge now »!