(« Women in the World-Black Excellence »):(« Focus on (« CEO ») (« Ramona Hood’s Success Story »)!

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(.;)-(« In collaboration with « Because of them »)-(« The Subtitle , Title and Conclusion are from our (Staff).(Image:Ramona Hood, »CEO »)( former receptionist)

-FedEx just made History by appointing (Ramona Hood), the first ever Black Woman (« CEO ») in the Company’s history (« Black Enterprise ») reports.
-Ramona Hood started working with the company in (1991) when she was just (19-Years-old) as a receptionist.Back then the company was still called (« Roberts Express »).She has operated in various capacities since then, leading the company’s (« FedEx Truck load Brokerage’s subsidiary), working as an officer at (« FedEx supply chain) and serving as (VP) of operations, strategy and planning, (28) Years later, (Hood) is now a (« CEO ») in the organization.

-(« It means that believe in you even others don’t, furthermore if you don’t have confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life:In other words, faith can move mountains and where there is a will, there is always a way », a great success story indeed).(Move on sister)!