(« Weekend Gospel Focus »):(« Spotlight on « Sinach »: »Lyrics »:(« I know who i am »)!


-(« Notes from the chief Editor »)-(« Yves T Bouazo »)

-For the second time, it’s our focus on (« Sinach »), an afro american female gospel music maker with a nigerian origin who is articulate:Her lyrics are so meaninful to us and are an inspiration to some extent:Let’s share this song titled( » i know who i am ») in time like this, when the world is heading for disaster because of the coronavirus pandemic:Down the line, the righteous always stands firm:

-( » We are the chosen generation called forth to show excellence.All i require for life,(God) has given me, and i know who i am.I’m working in power, i’m working in miracles, i have a life of favor because i know who i am »).