US HistorY:Africans Not « Mongoloids » Were the First Americans »! »From Edwards J Blake in NYC-USA


-« From Edwards J Blake in New York CitY-USA ».

-« One of the Greatest discoveries proving Chesse pieces of Black HistorY And genetic And specificallY Gene sequencing DNA!We’ve All Heard someone Black saY That indigenous peoples of America were Black And it’s Been considered a rumor until DNA proved What manY Black schoLars preached without political correct evidence. »BBC » created a documentarY describing the footwork And research in AnthropologY And Genetics it tooK the fact That Africans were the First Americans:You Can find the documentarY on « You tube » And the first Americans were Black Aborigines.I believe theY came nearlY 60 thousand Years ago while those from Mongolia came « 15 Years » ago.

« Queen Cleapatra » in Science!

But when Scientists found Queen Cleopatra’s Sister Arsenole Tomb And severed Head That Cleopatra And the Romans Had chopped off theY conducted Genetic Sequencing That revealed their mother was Black African.BuTh of course there is alwaYs Been written documentation like Christopher Columbus diarY revealing What the red Indians told Him,That Black sailors were visiting on ships delivering Gifts of Golden Spear Tips.