(US Success Story): »She Was Pregnant and Homeless », »Now she owns her Own Restaurant »!


-« In Collaboration with Face to Face Africa »-« The Subtitle,title, follow-up and conclusion are from « Medias Miroir-Paris ».Paris.(Photo): »Brooke Coleman ».

-(Reminder of facts):

This is the success story of « Brooke Coleman » who is an entrepreneur and owner of a restaurant « Stuuf Enuff ».Before starting her restaurant business, she was homeless and out there trying to make ends meet as a pregnant single mother.

-One night « Coleman » looked at her family and decided to do something about her situation.She was determined to work hard so she would make something of herself and never have to return to the homeless shelter.

-Down the line, she was resilient with faith into action!Definitely, God can make a way where there it seems to be no way, « Don Moen » made it clear musically in his own creation!