(US-Breaking News): »Mom » of (6) « Shot Dead » by « Husband » Because she was trying to End « Marriage!


-« In Collaboration with Face 2 Face Africa ». »Photo »: »Lawrence Reed and Valerie Junius ».

-The family of a deceased mother of (6) says her husband fatally shot her and also injured her (2) children because she was trying to end their marriage.

-According to « KTRK », authorities say Lawrence Reed killed « Valerie Junius » during a domestic violence incidence at a home in Roaring Oaks Lane,Texas on July-29.Two of the deceased mother’s children who wre around during the incident also sustained gunshot wounds and were transported to the hospital for treatement.

-In an interview with the news outlet, »Treshawnda » Junius, a cousin of « Valerie », said the deceased mother had left Reed and had been staying in Chicago for about four weeks prior to returning to « Texas ».She didn’t know she was walking into this « Treshwnda », said.She was going to leave him.She was tired.