(US Breaking News): »Fire In Bronx » in « New York »:Native « Female Rapper « Cardi B »To Cover Funeral Costs forAll(17) Victims!l


-« Our Staff in Collaboration with New York daily News »-« Photo »: »Bronx » native female Rapper « Cardi B » shows confort and sympathy.

-(« If you do not know where you are from, you do not know where you are going and what to next, furthermore you are lost and defeated in the race of life, someone said it loud so far!

-(« Reminder of the facts »):
-« Bronx » native Female popular Rapper « Cardi B », is committed to cover funeral costs for all (17) victims of deadly borough high-rise blaze from « GAMBIA » in « West Africa » soon.(« Ps »): »Remember the popular movie « Roots » from the african american « Alex Haley » in the 70s-80S ».

-In the same trend, the female hip-hop starts commitment includes the expenses to return some of the dead for burial in the native « Gambia-West Africa », and « Cardi B » expressed her continuing support for the families still reeling from the city’s deadliest fire in more than 30 years.