(« Unity And Freedom in USA »):(« Black America » needs A « By any means Necessary » To Attain Freedom »!

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-(« Our Staff In Collaboration with T »rudreadz-Usa »)-(« Photo »: »Malcom x and his followers »).(

-For many in (USA), Black America needs A (« By any means necesary ») to attain freedom, because black lives still matter in a so called puritan nation where the black liberation struggle continues!United we’re stronger and divided we’re weak, (« Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah ») from (Ghana) in (West africa), made it clear in his own creation.Furthermore, we have a major resaon to do it too , due to a subtile western strategy :(« Divide and conquer » or « divide and rule ») and that strategy still works in some african areas, where some pupet leaders keep on failing their own people.

-Nowadays according to some afro americans activists, there is a change in black America, therefore the new strategy is ( » by any means avaiable ») not (« any means necessary »)!