(Tribute): »February -6 1945-February 6- 2022″! »Happy Birthday to « Bob Marley »!


-« Notes from the chief Editor and managing Director »-« Yves T Bouazo ».

-More than (30) years after his death, the lyrics of « Robert Nesta Bob Marley » lead us to a deep reflection and instil in our mind a spirit of consciousness:

-« Redemption song »:(« Old pirates yes they rob i , sold i to the merchant ships.My hand was made strong by the hand of the almighty »)

-« Jah Live »:(« Jah live, children, the truth is an offense not a sin.One sheep must learn to respect the shepherd.

-« Survival »:Some people got everything,some people got nothing,some people got hopes and dreams,some people got no aim, it seems we are survivors, yes black survival,yes we are survivors like « Daniel » out of the lions den survivors!Which way will we choose?

-Happy birthday to « Bob Marley » who is more popular than when he was alive!They have gone, won’t be forgotten.