(« Tribute to Malcom X »):(« February 21th 1965-February 21th 2019 »)-(Live struggle)-(Warrior)!


(…)-(From THE CHIEF EDITOR)-(YVES T BOUAZO)-(« IMAGE »:MALCOM X)-(…)-It’s our great Tribute to a relentless black Freedom Fighter and Warrior (Malcom x) assassinated on the (21th of February-1965) in (USA)!He immortalized these words in his own creation after the death of the american president (Jhon Kennedy) in (Dallas) – (November 1963):(« Chickens come home to roost ») when aluding to the imperialist american actions in the third world, namely in (Congo)(Africa),congolese nationalist Prime Minister(Emery Patrice Lumumba) killed in (1961) closely with (american Cia conspiracy)! In other words, (Kennedy) paid the price of the wickedness he performed in the motherland (Africa) in (1961)( spiritual Boomerang indeed)