-(« Tribute to Kwame N’krumah):(« His Daughter « Samia N’krumah » « Honors » Proudly her Father!

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-(« Notes from the Chief editor »)-(« Yves T Bouazo »)-(« Photo »: »Samia N’krumah »)

-(« Samia N’krumah »), the daughter of (Dr Osagyefo Kwame N’krumah) honors proudly her late father in touching tribute!Like father, like daughter!

-(Reminder of the facts):

-(Dr Osagyefo Kwame N’krumah) was overthrown on the 24th of feburay in (1966),closely with the american(CIA) backed by ghanaaian soldiers in a context of the cold war.In the same trend, he was subsequently in the house of exile in (Guinea-Conakry) and ruled (Guinea) closely with proud committed president (Ahmed Sekou Toure) and passed away in (Bucarest-Roumania) on the (27th of April-1972):He was indeed another conspicuous victim of a rampant cancer of betrayal, « Amilcar Cabral », another west african great leader made it clear in his own creation!Meanwhile,(« Osagyefo Kwame N’krumah ») was a great man and remains a great man, being labelled nowadays as the godfather of panafricanism, namely visonary he was, he forsaw (« the united states of Africa »)!

-Definitely, such a sad moment to go through, so our sincere sympathies:He has gone but won’t be forgotten because we never understand the real value of someone until that someone becomes a memory.United we are stronger, and tomorrrow the united states of Africa , in consequence we are still looking forward to the light of a brighter future in the whole of Africa!