(« Tribute to BOB Marley »):(« May-11th 1981-May-11 -2019 »),He passed away in (Miami)(Florida)!


-(…)-(« Notes from the Chief Editor and Managing Director »)-(Yves T Bouazo)

-This is another great Tribute to the first real superstar from the third world, a committed troubadour who marked the spot , in other words a revolutionary with reggae music indeed(Robert Nesta Bob Marley »)!He performed in the four corners in the world and has really raised the conscious of the massses high:His message was a confort to the oppressed , the poor and needy!In the same trend, he immortalized these words in his own creation:(« Stand up, get up, stand up for your rights, don’t give up the fight »), (the heathen »):(« rise up fallen fighters, rise and take your stance again, because he who fights and runs away-live and fight another day »)!Moreover, he used to move militant backed by some heavy base lines and pointed out the social classes:(« them belly full »):( » them belly full but we hungry,An hungry mob is an angry mob », cost of living gets so high so high, rich and poor, they start to cry and now the weak must get strong, they say, (oh) what a tribulation »)…

-Visionary he was, he forsaw the african unification and the independence of (Zimbabwe) in (1980) from british colonial rule):(« Africa unite », because w’ere moving right out (« Babylon »)(first world) and we’re going to our father’s land, how good and how pleasant it would be, before (God and Man) to see the unification of all africans, as it has been said already,let it be done!(« Zimbabwe):(« Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny and in this judgement, there is no partiality, so arms in arms, we’ll fight this little struggle, because it’s the only way to overcome our little struggle »).Down the line, he predicted in his own words:(« One bright day when my work is over, i will fly away home »)(mount zion)!On the (11th of May 1981) in (Miami)(Florida), his work was over and he flew away home, when aluding to the motherland (Africa)!Read between the lines…