(Talking Points): »Truth Serum » From « Shelda Smith », , »SImba Radio Producer in « New york City


-« Notes From the Chief Editor »-« Yves T Bouazo ». »The intro and conclusion » are from our staff -« Medias Miroir-Paris ».

« Shelda Smith » is a conscious afro american intellectual who is a radio producer in « Brooklyn » in « New york city » – Brooklyn , trying to give way to her inner feelings about the motherland Africa, namely it’s a sense of her and our history as well.In the same trend, she is trying to expose how people brainwash her as an african american lady, through a huge propaganda machine on the motherland Africa:

-She made it clear in her own creation:

-(« Those who oppress know that you can’t make a person hate the root, without making them hate the tree.In the same trend, you can’t hate your own and not end up hating yourself.And since we all originated in Africa, you can’t make us hate Africa without making us hate ourselves.And they did this very skillfully and what was the result?

-That’s the predominant question to answer!

-Down the line, they ended up with (« 22 million black people » here in America who hated everything about us that was Africa:We hated the african charactderistics.

-We hated our hair.We hated our nose and the shape our lips, the color of our skin.Yes, we did!And it was you who taught us to hate ourselves!

-(« Definitely, the time is now that we all should see the light, just to come back to reality, namely the roots, culture and our history »)!