Talking Points: »Brave New Africa In A Survival Spirit, Never Give UP »!


-« Notes from the Chief Editor »-Yves T Bouazo

The Great Fidel Castro from Cuba put it so far: »The price we pay as neo-colonies is much higher than the price we paid when we were colonies »!Furthermore, through battered and bruised,we may become again, we Rise and shine!

Down the line, the New Africa must come together as one and in the same trend, manafacture its Raw materials because we keep on producing copper,tin,bauxite,marcury,tungsten, phosphate,cocoa, coffee, bananas, peanuts etc!

Today, the african nations tend to suffer not from a surfeit but from a lack of effective sovereignty, namely a Survival in the Global interdependent Economy!

-Let’s remind these lyrics of the late Great Bob Marley titled « Survival »:

« Some people Got everything.

« Some people Got nothing.

« Some people Got hopes and Dreams ».

« Some people Got no aim, it seems we’re Survivors!

To read between the lines!