(« Spotlight on the Famous « Black Celebrities » Who « Died » Suddenly »)!


(..)(« Closely with Face 2 Face Africa »)-(« Photo »: »Otis Redding », afro american star passed away in the 60S »).(« The title and Conclusion are from our (Staff)-(Medias Miroir).

-Life is full of ups and downs today, in consequence we are here and tomorrow we are no more, but excited the mortal stage in a flash!(« Otis Redding », »Jimmy hendrix », « 2 Pac Shakur », »the notorious BIG Wallace, 24″, »Michael Jackson », »Whithey Houston », , »Kobe Bryant » and many more…) come to mind immediately as they died suddenly, just when we thought we were about experiencing the best sides of their lives!

-Definitely,life is short and life we live once!In the same trend, They have gone, won’t be forgotten!