(South Africa’s Spotlight): »A Woman named « Gosiane Sithole » Gave Birth To « Decuplets »(10 Babies)!


-« In Collaboration with Face 2 Face Africa ». »Photo »: »The south african husband, »Tsotesi » and his wife who gave birth to « 10 babies » in South Africa(cape town).

According to « Face 2 to face Africa », the husband of the south african woman who reportedly gave birth to (« decuplets »)(10 babies) is asking people not to send in any donations to his (10) new babies and his wife. »Teboga Tsotetsi » is yet to see his wife « Gosiane Sithole » and his (10 babies) since she left home on (June 7) to the labor ward.

-Last week, she accepted over (70.000 us dollar) in public donations for them in cape town,per the « New york post ».

-I appreciate the financial support that we have been getting from members of the public but i also would like to appeal to stop making money deposits into our account until members of the community have seen the babies, »Tsotesi » told the local newspaper Pretoria News, according to the « Daily Mail ».