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-« Notes from the Chief Editor »-« Yves T Bouazo ».(« photo »):The late « Peter Tosh » who passed away on the 11th of 1987.

-« Peter Tosh » was a committed and peculiar reggae music maker who busted up the reggae entertainment field in the 80s!Unfortunately, he was shot to death on the (11th) of September in (1987) in « Kingston-Jamaica »!Let’s read and listen between the lines to one of his lyrics titled:(« Not gonna give up »), a special dedication to the motherland « Africa »!

-(« In his own creation »):

-I’m not gonna give it up, i’m not going, i will be fighting, i’ve got to be fighting til Africa and africans are free.
Africa is the richest place but it has the poor race and to me, it just a disgrace!Africa, don’t wait too long, we gotta fight…

-Down the line, it’s a controversy because the present Africa has got the same shortcomings: western multinational exploitation, Corruption, greed, , tribalism,lack of government and a true democracy!

-Someone said it musically in the same trend:(« It takes a revolution to make a solution ») because there must be a change!