(« Pan Africanism Legacy »):(‘They Have Gone,Won’t Be Forgotten »)!


-(« Notes from The Chief Editor »)-(« Yves T Bouazo »)-(« Photo »: »Osagyefo Kwame N’krumah »)

-They have gone , won’t be forgotten: »Osagyefo Kwame N’krumah » is gone, « Patrice Emery Lumumba » is gone, »Ahmed Sékou Touré » is gone, « Amilcar Cabral » is gone , »Gamal Nasser » is gone, « Samora Machel » is gone, »Thomas Sankara’ is gone,, »Nelson Mandela » is gone , »Robert Mugabe » is gone,in consequence we need today a core of visionary,proud and committed pan african Leaders to change the face of (Africa) in a progress spirit:Divided, we are weak, united we ‘re stronger and can look forward to the light of a brigter future:Africa for the Africans,at home and abroad and our new innovative principles will undoubtedly put the whole of (Africa) on the right track!

-Definitely, « Africa » is not poor but is looted by some remote control african leaders closely with some imperialist power structures:In other words,actions speak greater than words ,the time is now to stand for a proud and rich Africa, because the light can’t be hidden!