(« Notes From the Chief Editor »):(« I AM A « PROGRESSIVE MAN » SO I LOVE « PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE »! »)


-(..) (« Notes from the Chief Editor)-(Yves T Bouazo)-(« Image »: »Yves T Bouazo at work »)

-Someone immortalized these words in his own creation(Lyrics):(« You can not run away from yourself », so let nothing but truth swims like clean pure and potable water!

-The truth is that i am what i am , a Full Progresive Man , in consequence i am fond of Progresive People socially and politically:furthermore, i am truthful so i admire truthful people, in the same trend, i am determined, committed and conscious proud human being and i respect determined, committed and conscious people as well!(no hypocrites and no apology at all)!

-Down the line, if you do not have confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of Life!Be yourself and no one else!