(Miss Ivory Coast-UK-2022 ON the 30th OF April): »A Controversy To be Spread out »!


-« Notes from the Chief editor, « Yves T Bouazo » in collaboration with « our permanent Correspondent in London »-« GY ». »Photo »: »The « 3 » candidates of Miss Ivory coast-UK-2022″ on the « 30th of April ».

-After « Miss Ivory coast -UK-2022 » in « London » on the « 30th of April »,more people keep on complaining about the choice of the most beautiful ivorian Queen in « London ».Furthermore, as far as some credible sources and facts are concerned, some bribes might have been involved in an underground greedy spirit in that ivorian beauty competition in London.In the same trend, the controversy goes on in London , all over UK and Ivory coast in West africa as well!

-Down the line, beauty remains basically a relative concept and no one can buy beauty and love in the world of competition but cash money remains today the root of all evils indeed…

-Definitely, someone said it loud in his own creation:(« Code is law , you can steal but don’t be caught in a world of permanent cheating , corruption and greed »).

-To read between the lines!