
-It’s our Focus on an eclectic artist: Singer, Songwritter, composer, keyboards and guitar player (LEROY GRIFFITH) known as (LEE G)(artistic pseudonym). (LEE G) was born in the islands of (Trinidad and Tobago) and grew up in (BROKLYN) in (New York city)(USA) . In the same trend, he also wrote Lyrics such as:(« Rise and Shine »)(« Healing time »),(« Do you know who you are »).Meanwhile, his music style is a mixture of (« Hip Hop », »R-B », »Reggae » and « Soul »).Moreover, (LEE G) is a good vocalist who is also involved in a humanitarian  great project in the Motherland(Africa), namely in (MALI)(West Africa), through a non profit organization called (« A Time to give back to Africa »), a noble mission indeed:Down the  line, it’s the ostentatious evidence that (LEE G) is a Proud and conscious Brother who has not taken the Moherland (AFRICA) for granted:Definitely as  the great (« Mosa Marcus Garvey) immortalized these words in his own creation:(« A man without the knowledge of his Culture , History and Origin is like a Tree without Roots »).(« From the Chief Editor and Managing director )(YVES T-BOUAZO)(« Image »: »LEE G »)