(« History and Memory »):(« Martin Luther King Jr »)-(« April 4th-1968-April 4th 2019 »)!


(« Notes from the Chief Editor and Managing Director »)(Yves T Bouazo)-(« Image »: »Malcom x and Martin Luther king dead bodies »)

-They’ve gone , won’t be forgotten:On (April-4th-1968), (Martin Luther king Jr), a great man met death on his way, namely from a racist bullet but he fought against injustice and racisn in a peaceful revolutionary spirit in (USA):Definitely, he stood for human rights with a non violent weapon pointed out by an unprecedented rhetoric!Moreover,his speech ( » i have a dream ») in (1963) was the ostentatious proof of his commitment and made him more popular worldwide!Down the line , history can recall the fact that a racist system (open eyes) doesn’t care if you are for violence or non violence!It’s our official tribute to a black messie indeed!