
-« Notes from the Chief editor and Managing Director »-« Yves T Bouazo »-« Photo »: »MAMA Tagro Litiayé Alphonse », my beloved and sweet mama Africa based in « Ivory coast », namely in the city of « Daloa ».

-We keep on celebrating the mothers all over the world, namely « Happy mother’s day », i love you from the bottom of my heart, my lovely and sweet mother in my native beloved country, « Ivory coast » in West africa.

-Down the line, the mothers are the source of the creation, namely our roots forever.

-Let listen to our favorite african song « Sweeet mother » from nigerian star of the 80s-90s, »Prince Nico M’barga » titled: »Sweet mother » in his own creation written and sung in nigerian west african popular broken english.

-(« Sweet mother i no foreget you, for dey suffer we you suffer for me, when i dey cry,my mother go carry. she go say my

« Pikin »( child in nigerian west african broken english) weting dey cry, stop make you no cry again;When i want to sleep,my mother got pet me, she go lie me well well for bed.She go cover me cloth, say make you sleep my pikin(« child in broken english).When i dey hungry,my mom go run up and down, shhe dey find me something i go chop(eat in broken english).Whann i dey sick,my mother go cry.If i no sleep,my mpther no go sleep.

-To be continued!