(« Happy Easter »)(-« Born again wth « Jesus-christ »):( « The Symbolic of Resurrection in our Times »)!


-(« From the Chief Editor »)-(« Yves T Bouazo »)

-(« Can’t no man stop God’s plan »), because (« Jesus-christ ») conquered death and came back to life (3) days later, through a resurrection labeled as a victory in our hands today:In consequence, through his resurrection after having experienced hardships and humiliations , we are born again with him!In consequence, hopefully things will usually get worse before they can get better, but when they do, remember who put you down and who helped you up,namely faith can move mountains.Moreover, we ought to intenalize the predominant fact that everything we have now is by the grace of the Lord (« Jesus-christ »), who is the (« Apha and the omega »), because we have to learn a lesson from what (Jesus-christ) went through, in other words:(« Difficult roads led to beautiful destinations »)!Down the line, let (« Jesus-christ ») arise, because there is a power in his name definitely!At the end of the day, there is nothing more powerful than a praying man in our times!( » happy Easter ») to our more than (558.000) potential readers around the world).