-Feedback on the French Revolution in 1789, History Can Repeat itself in 2023?(2nd Part)

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Notes from the Chief Editor-« Yves T Bouazo ».Polyglot Journalist.

-« France in 1789-Reminder of the facts ».

-In 1789, ideologically, the French Revolution was secular and anti-clerical hostile to religion in general and the Roman Catholic church in particular.If fathered liberal ideas of individual rights for all citizens.Where local customs had previously shaped the nature of relations between individuals,after 1789 these rights were enforceable through codified law.

The French Revolution was also powerfully nationalist:In consequence, France became the transcendent bond, uniting all citizens in patriotic fervour.

Moreover, a duty of military service to the fatherland went Hand in Hand with the hard-won rights and privileges of citizenship.The French revolutionary armies thus foreshadowed the vast conscripts armies of twentieth century.

-Down the line, the present french economic landscape in 2023 is not the same due to a growth of (2.6%) and joblessness rate is droping too!Facts do not lie, men do definitely!