(Diaspora): »Here are the « Most Powerful Passeports » In the Caribbean In « 2022 »!


-« In Collaboration with Face to Face Africa »-« The Subtitle and Conlusion » are from « Média Mirror »-Paris.

-« London »- based global citzenship and residence advisory firm « Henley and Partners » has released its first (« 2022 ») report on the world most powerful Passeports.The firm measures with which holders of Passeports are able to freely move from one country to another.

-The Ranking from « Henley » passeport index is based on exclusive data from the international air transport Association (IATA) which maintains the world’s largest and most acurate database of travel information.

-The index includes (199) different Passeports and (227) travel destinations:

-1- Barbados

-2-St Kitt and Nevis

-3-The Bahamas

-4-St Vincent and the Grenadines

-It ranked globally at (29) with visa-free acces to (151)destinations.In the whole of Africa, (« Ivory Coast ») in « West Africa » had visa-free to (7) european nations: »England », »Germany », »Italy », »Sweden », »Norway », »Denmark », »Finland », from (1960 to 1995) and visa-free to « France » from (1960 to 1988)!