(« Covid-19-UK »):(« Spotlight on the First Human Trial in Europe of a « Vaccin » Has Begun in (Oxford)


-(« In Collaboration with (BBC)-(« Photo »: »Elisa Granato » one of the two volunteers for the vaccin trial)-(The Conclusion is from our staff (Medias Miroir)(Paris).

-Volunteers were injected,the first of more than (800) People recruited for the study.Half will receive the (covid-19) vaccin and half a control vaccine which protects against (meningitus) but not « coronavirus ».The design of the trial means volunteers will not know which vaccin they are,through doctors, will (Elisa Granato) one of the two(2) who received the jab,told the (BBC):(« i am a scientist,so i wanted to support the scientific process whereever i can »).

-The vaccin was developed in under three(3) months by a team at (Oxford university): »Sarah Gilbert »,professor of vaccinology at the Jennifer institute, led the pre- clinical resezrch.Personally, i have a high degree of confidence in the vaccine, he said.

-(« Down the line, it means that (UK) is looking forxward to the light of a brighter future within « covid-19″ vaccin, fingers crossed! », faith can move mountains ». »)