(Celebration Time): »Happy Birthday » To « Doctor Ava Brown », »International Coach » in « UK »!


-« Notes from the Chief Editor »-« Yves T Bouazo ». »Photo »: »Dr Ava Brown », international coach and writer in « UK ».

-We take the opportunity to wish a « Happy Birthday » to a Brillant relentless Black Queen « Doctor Ava Brown » in « UK » international coach and writer.Furthermore, « Ava brown » has learnt the fact that education is the key as it has been said by « KIng Selassie the first » in his own creation in 1963:(« Education is the key to a nation’s progress, in consequence my people perish for lack of knowledge!Moreover,in the same trend, the people who used to live in the darkness ought to see the light,namely a conspicuous sign of knowledge!