(Business Objectives): »Spotlight on the Success Story of a « Great Nigerian Business Man », « Daniel Moses in UK!

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-« In Collaboration with Face 2 to face Africa »-« Photo »: »Daniel Moses », a nigerian businessman-« The Subtitle, Title, follow-up and conclusion » are from « Media Mirror-Paris ».

-« Reminder of the facts »:

-« Daniel Moses » is a nigerian entrepreneur whose journey to sucess began in 2004, following a journey to the UK.Upon his return, he ventured into the nigerian oil and gas business.He was involved in the transportation of oil that is lifting of refined oil such as petrol, diesel , petrol and kerosene from the depot to petrol stations where it was then sold to the end- user.

-When « Moses » got to the peak of his business, he encountered challenges that led to the loss of over (150.000 us dollar) in the process.Althgough « Moses » was down, he certainly was not out as he strategized while taking lessons of the events that led to the collapse of his business.

-After mulling over his options, he decided that travelling to the united kingdom in search of greener pastures was his best option.In UK, he took a job in a delivery company and within 18 months working as delivery man, he became a freelance UBER driver after becoming a « TFL license driver », namely a nigerian hustler success story indeed