(Business objectives): »Immigrant Founders made Millions in a Security Firm in « UK »!


-« In Collaboration with Face 2 to Face Africa ». »Photo »: »Edgar Chibaka » and « Jamal Tahlil » co-founders of a successful securtity firm in « Leeds-UK ». »The Subtitle, title and conclusion » are from « Media Mirror ».

-« Reminder of the facts »:

-« Edgar Chibaka » and « Jamal Tahlil » co-founded first Response Group, a security firm based in the united kingdom in 2007.The duo started their firm with a single lagtop out of a « cold, run-down  » office above an internet cafe in « Leeds », in the northern part of « UK ».

-Fifteen years, down the line the company has(80) laptops with sales of (33) million us dollar and more than (500) staff.

-« We must learn a lesson from this success story because people are afraid to go after their desire, furthermore we are
so often afraid of succeeding to some extent ».