(« Breaking News »):(« Brazilian’s President « Bolsonano » Tests Positive For « Coronavirus »after his « Meeting » with(« Trump »)


-(« In Collaboration with the daily News from New York »)-(« the Intro, extras and Conclusion » are from our « Staff-Media Mirror »)-(« Image »: »Brazilian president « Bolsonano » meets with american president (« Donald Trump »).

-It’s unbelievable Brazil’s President(Jan Bolsonano) is the first Head of state to be tested positive for the new pandemic (« Coronavirus »), after a meeting with american President (Donald Trump) and his vice President (Mike pence):In the same trend,brazilian President (Jan Bolsonano) has reportedly tested positive for (« Coronavirus ») days after he met with President (Trump), raising new fears about the american president’s personal level of risk amid the global pandemic.

-(« Donald Trump) says he will most likely get tested for (« Coronavirus ») contradicting his own claim about eligibility: asked wether he will get tested, (Donald Trump) said ( » most likely, yeah »)!

-Down the line, (Trump) declares national emergency over (« Coronavirus ») crisis.In the same trend, he declares (« National emergency ») in response to the (« Coronavirus ») crisi unlocking billions of (Dollars) in federal aid and tapping the government’s disaster agencies to get involved in the fight against the fast-sprezding respratory infection.

-(« Today the global world is heading for disaster, as far as the Coronavirus is concerned, so we need to come together asone to fight against that pandemic before it’s too late »)!