Breaking News-USA:Spotlight On the Forthcoming Conference(Evawi) ,End Violence Against Women International!

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Closely with Evawi Staff in USA-« Evawi »,End Violence Against Women International. »The Conclusion is from Médias Miroir-Paris ».

« Evawi annual conference » focus on sexual assault,intimate partner violence,stalking,human trafficking,and elder abuse.

We consistently bring together Law enforcement,personnel, prosecutors,victim advocates,judges,parole and probation officers,rape crisis workers,health care professionals,faith community members,educators,researchers and others in this conference highlighting promising practises and emerging issues to effectively respond to these crimes in all our communities.

The event will begin on (April-11-15-2023) in the united states,at the Hilton Chicago,United states of America.While the second phase will begin on April 18-22-2023) ar Laproton Hotel-Lomé-Togo-West Africa.

-Definitely, Mothers are basically the source of creation, in consequence we must respect Them all over the world.