(« Book and Knowledge »):(« Guess and Name A Book Every Black man Should Read Today »)!

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(..)-(« Notes From the Chief Editor »)-(Yves T Bouazo)-(« Photo »: »Malcom x » and his followers »).

-My people perish for lack of knowledge, furhermore we repeat it over and over again that the illeterate of the (21 st) century won’t be those can’t read or write but those can’t learn, unlearn and relearn:In consequence, the truth is we’ve been too in the darkness, now it’s the right time to see the light…Read more books for your wide knowledge.

-(« Let’s come back to the facts »):

-First and foremost, read the holy scriptures of the bible, namely being the light in the darkness for our lost minds!

-And after that, just read any book, any genre, just read to get a knowledge!Down the line, i can advice you some relevant and historic books:(« Message to the black man »), (« Black on black violence » from Dr Amos Wilson), (« When rocks cry out » from « Horace Butler »),(« world great men of color, all boks from JA Rogers ») (« Negritude and humanism ») from (Leopold Sedar Senghor), (« Things fall apart from « Chinua Achebé ») and many more. Definitely,the more you read,the more you get some knowledge.