Black HistorY:Half of the StorY Has Never Been Told, »Cleopatra » An AfriCan Queen(MajestY)!

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-« In Collaboration wiTh « Edwards J Blake » in New York citY ». »Photo »:Queen Cleopatra Was Part African,SaYs A BBC Team.

Cleomatra the Last « EgYptian Pharaoh » renowned for ber BeautY,Was part « AfriCan »,saYs à « BBC » Team which believes it has found Her sister’s Tomb. »Queen Cleopatra » was a descendant of « PtolemY » the Macedonian General who ruled EgYpt after Alexander the Great.But remains the Queen’s Sister Princess Arsinoe,found in « Ephesus », »TurkeY » indicate That Her Mother Had an AfriCan Skeleton.

Down the line, Half of the AfriCan StorY Has never Been Told so Africans Get Your HistorY And Culture.TruTh must Be revealed BY AfriCan SchoLars And Historians but it seems That TheY are in a deep Slumber!

-(PS):We Gonna HistorY Bomb Yall wiTh Scientific Evidence- from the real Sources « » in USA!HistorY no Lies !