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-(« From the Staff in collaboration with « Edwards J Blake » in « New York city »)-(« photo »: « the ku klux klan »).

-Hundreds of thousands sign petitions urging the us government to declare (« KU KLUX KLAN ») a terrorist group:In the same trend,hundreds thousands of people are demanding that the (« KU KLUX KLAN ») be listed as a terrorist organization with several online petitions rapidly gaining support.

-A number of change.org petitions have gone viral this week demanding the white supremacists hate group be classified as terrorists,prompting to be included among the (Top trends) on twiter!

-On such petition calling for the (« KU KLUX KLAN ») to be declared a terrorist organization reached (100.000 signatures) before it closed:Moeover, two more petitions have also attracted at least(79.000) and (86.000) signatures with a fourth demanding the (« KU KLUX KLAN ») be illegal reaching (125.000 signatures)!

-Down the line, black americans have suffered the most under the terror group:Definitely, terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims!