-(« Around the World »)-(« Coronavirus Pandemic »:) »Usa and Europe » are still Heading for Disaster!


-(« From our Staff (Media Mirror) in Collaboration with « New York Daily News »)

-(…)-« California » governor in (Usa),(Garvin Newson) ordered on thursday the state’s (40 million) residents to stay at home, restricting non -essential movements to control the spread of the « Coronavirus » that threats to overwhelm the state’s medical system:Meanwhile, (California) in (Usa) is known to be the richest state in the whole of (America) and is richer than some european countries such as:(France,England, Spain,Portugal and many more… where isolation with « coronavirus » symptoms seems to be the efficient medical strategy right now!
-Definitely , our healing, savation and redemption will stem from « God almighty », the savior, namely in other words: (« Victory belongs to Jesus-christ »)!