(« Africa’s Breaking News »):(« Zimbabwe » To Give Back Lands » to « White Farmers » After « Wrecking Economy!


-(« Notes from the Chief Editor closely with « Blake J Edwards »).

-In (1979-1980) the first superstar in the third world made an entire african record where he paid a (« Tribute ») to (« Zimbabwe ») in his own words:(« Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny »):In (1980) (« Zimbabwe ») gained its independence from british rule!

-(Reminder of Facts):

-Two decades after president (« Robert Mugabe ») wrecked (« Zimbawean economy by urging black subsistence farmers to violently force white commercial farmers and their workers of their land, his (Successor) has thrown in his towel:(Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government has proposed settling all outstanding claims against it by farmers, by offering them land.The object of the regulations is to provide for the disposal of land to persons entitled to compensation, (« land minister (« Perence Shiri ») in regulations published in the government (« Gazette ») last friday.
-The seizures that began in (2000) were ratified by the government, which said they were needed to redress colonial imbalances.A vibrant agricultural industry that exported tobacco and roses and grew most of the good the nation needed collapsed.

-Periodic food shortages ensued, inflation became the world’s highest and she manafacturing industry was decimated, what was one of (Africa’s) richest countries became one of its poorest.Almost(4,500) white – owned properties and others protected under government agreements were affected by the program.

-(« American President Donald Trump’s pressure on ZImbabwe »)!

-President « Trump » told Zimbabwe if you don’t give the lands back to the great grand childfren of the Zimbabwean genocide and african slave owners, i will stop your american foreign aid and impose trade embargoes and extra tariff.And thay said(okay) fair enough…

-(« Africans always versatile, always giving up, stop wanting aid from your captors or those who trepass you in any form.We are rich, so we can feed the world unless our resources are properly run »).