(« African Agenda »):(« Africa » is not Poor, »Africa » is being « Looted »-« Difficult » Roads lead to Beautifuldestinations


-(« Notes from the Chief Editor »)-(« Yves T Bouazo »)

-(Africa) is the richest continent, as far as the huge raw materials and minerals are concerned!Furthermore, (Africa) can feed the world but the controversy goes on when Africans seem to be in the shameful stance of beggars around the world!What a disgrace!What are the fundamental remote reasons in a global world of competition when cash money remains the roots of all evils?Moreover, (Africa) is not poor, (Africa) is being looted closely with african pupets in a remote control system…
-However,The destiny of (Africa) is up to the righteous and conscious educated africans today, namely the new generation who is looking forward to the light of a brighter future ,through a sheer perseverance, unity backed by an unshakable faith!

-Down the line, we are afro optimistic no matter how long it will take, because we are confident in a brighter future, in other words, the first will be the last and the first biblically!Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations , in consequence we shall overcome this litte trouble and shortcoming, just to be change makers in the decades to come:(Africans), let your faith roar so loud, that you can’t hear what doubt is saying, in consequence, faith can move mountains.

-In the same trend, the great afro american actor (Denzel Washinghton) made it clear in his own words:(« Everything that i have is by the grace of the almighty, understand that , it’s a gift, i did not always stick with him, but he stuck with me »)!

-Definitely, The africans ought to instill in their minds the crucial fact that (« God helps those who help themselves ») and where there is a will, there is also a way!