Reggae:Alpha Blondy, Live And Direct In Salvator de Bahia(Brazil) Saturday November 30!


« Photo »:Alpha Blondy in a garden In Salvator de Bahia-(…)-« Notes from the Chief Editor, Yves T Bouazo ».
Alpha Blondy,the African Reggae Number one will bust up Salvator de Bahia in Brazil Saturday N0vember 30th.It’s not the first time because  he is more popular in Brazil due to his special  record  dedicated to Brazil!In the same trend,Bahia remains basically the headquater of Great successful blacks in Brazil!Down the  line, Alpha Blondy is Welcome in Salvator de Bahia for ever.

-The Great Alpha Blondy Will without doubt  Sing  his Favorite Lyrics in Salvator de Bahia this Saturday Such as: Bahia ,Jerusalem, Masada, Sweet Fanta Diallo,Cocody Rock,Apartheid is Nazism And Many more, In a Murderer Live And Direct In Brazil,Land Of Stolen And Deported Africans,During 400 Hundred Years Of Slavery Days!

-History Can Recall,Cool running!