
(…)-(« Médias Miroir » In collaboration with Face 2 to face Africa »)-(« photo »: »Mayor Marion Barry »).(The title,subtitle and conclusion are from (« Médias Miroir »).

-(« Reminder of facts »):

-The life and times of « Marion Barry Jr » ,the (4) time « Mayor » of « Washinghton DC » make for interesting reading.He was a « Mississipi » sharecropper’s son took to education to elevate himself but soon found that opportunity was ripe to enter politics.He received a bachelor’s degree in (1958) from Lemoyne College and completed a Master’s degree in chemistry for Fisk university.However,the civil rights movement in the 60s lured him away from completing his doctorate.

-In January(1979), »Barry » took the oath of office for the first time as Mayor of the district of « Colombia », having defeated the city’s first elected Mayor incumbent « Walter E Washinghton ».Curiuosly, he performed well among white voters west of « Rock Creek Park » and on « capital hill ».He was sworm in by us supreme court justice, »Thurgood Marshall », the first african american to serve on the high court. »Barry » served three terms as Mayor of the district of « Columbia » survived a drug arrest and jail sentence, crucially came back tu sucessfully run a four term as « Mayor of Washington DC »: »Barry » was caught on tape smoking crack with a model and prostitute « Rahsheeda Moore » whom he had a history with an earlier drug conviction!

-Definitely, « Marion Barry » is a strong man sychologically speaking, who never gave up nor retreat!