(« UK-Breaking News »):(A « 10 Year-Old Brillant Nigerian » Appointed « To Teach » in (UK) School)!

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-(From the Chief Editor and Managing Director)-(Yves T Bouazo)-(« The Intro,Extra additions,follow-up and Conclusion ») are from our (Staff)-(Medias Miroir)(Paris)-(« Image »: the 10 Year-old brillant and most intelligent Nigerian, teacher in (UK).

(…)-Education is the Key, someone said it in his own creation musically:In the same trend, the illeterate of the (21 st) century will not be those that can’t read or write but those can’t learn, unlearn and relearn, in consequence,my people perish for lack of knowledge:

-In (Nigeria), a west african nation labeled so far as the giant of (Africa) because of its population(more than 120 million inhabitants), the Nigerian (« Igbo ») tribe is nicknamed as the (« African Jews ») due to their great intelligency so far!Moreover, this Year(2019),a Nigerian whiz has been recently offered a (« Teaching ») Job at an after-School Club in (England):Furthermore,the (10-Year old Nigerian) got the Teaching Job after he was discovered to be (« Computer Proficient ») and the smart most intelligent gifted Kid advised the Current Nigerian Government to set up Infrastructures that would encourage Nigerian Children to learn coding at a young age:

-(« Education is the Key in the whole of Africa)!

-Down the line, Education is necessary in the whole of Africa and is the key, just to get rid of the Darkness and see the light(knowledge) for people too long hidden in the darkness:We can’t help repeating over and over again:(« My african People perish for lack of knowledge », so the african governments ought to invest more and more in the educational shool system in the whole of Africa and our Salvation and Redemption shall be great one day: because we as africans, are looking forward to the light of a brighter future, when surviving in a sea of poverty and misery!In other words, to be truthful, Africa is not Poor basically but is being looted closely with some African Pupets Leaders in an international remote control system:Open your eyes and look within and read between the lines definitely!