(Tribute-History): »Once Upon A Time The Black Panther Tried And They Died!(« Stockley Carmichael »)


-« Notes From the Chief Editor »-« Yves T Bouazo ». »Photo »: »Stockley Carmichael », freedom fighter from the black panther nicknamed « Kwame Ture ».

-Someone made it clear musically in his own creation:(« Rise up falling fighters, rise up and take your stance again, hewho fights and runs away,live to fight another day!

-We take the opportunity to pay a tribute to a freedom fghter from the Black fighter in the « 60s » in USA, »Stockley Carmichael » nicknamed(« Kwame Ture ») after (« Osagiefo Kwame N’kruma ») who ruled Ghana from 1956 to 1966 and « Hamed Sekou Toure » who ruled « Guinea-Conakry » from 1958 to 1983.

-(« Reminder of the facts):

-« Stockley Carmichael » was born on June-29-1941 in Port of Spain in « Trinidad » and died on November 15th -199_ in « Guinea-Conakry »-in « West Africa » in the motherland, home be home, sweet home, there is no betder place like swset home, namely he flew away to zion-Africa, the promsed land!

-Basically, he was acivil rights leader, antiwar activist, and pan-african revolutionary.

-« Stockley Carmichael » is best known for popularizing the sLogan:(« Black power »), which in the mid-sixties galvanized a movement toward more militant and separating assertions of black identity, nationalism and empowerment and away from the liberal, interrracial pacifism of Martin Luther King and the Southern christian Leadership conference(SLSC).

-His family moved to « New York city » when he was eleven.He showed promised as a young student andwas accepted into the mostly white « Bronx » high school of science in (1956).He attended Howard university and joined the newly formed student non-violent coordinating committee(SNCC) in (1960).He participated in (SNCC) sit-ins and fredoom rides throughtout the deep south and when (SNCC) turned its attention to voters registration, « Carmichael » the campaign that established the Lowndes county freedom organization, a symbolic, a symbolic forunner to the Black panther party.

-In 1964,Carmichael graduated from Howard university a long with other young SNCC activists, became increasingly frustrated with the movement’s reliance on white loberals and its advocacy of non violent reform, especially in the wake of the democrat party’s berayal of the Missisipi freedom democratic party.In May 1965,Carmivhael was elected to replace Jhon Levis as SNCC chairman, formalizing the shift in (SNCC) ideology.

-« The Birth of Black panther Party in 1966 »:

-During a « 1966 » march in « Selma », « Alabama », »Carmichael » first proclaimed Black power.The slogan and subsequent efforts to both define it and put it into practice, turned him into a media celebrity and a lightning rod for white criticism and government repression.Black power fragmented the liberal civil rights coalition of the 50s and the early 60S but inspired subsequent groups such the « Black panther party »n which despite ideological disagreements named Carmichael as its honorary Prime minister in (1968).

-(« Home be Home,Sweet Home, there is no better place like sweet home Africa »)!

-« Carmichael » spent the last decades of his life abroad denouncing US racism and imperialism while working to build the all african peoples Revolutionary party.He changed his name to « Kwame Ture » in « 1968 » in honor of his friends and allies, pan-african leaders « Sekou Toure » from Guinea and « Kwame N’kruma » from « Ghana ».
-In 1969, he settled permanently in « Conakry », capital city of « Guinea » in « West Africa », where he died of prostate in 1998!

-It was our Tribute to a great freedoom fighter, because they have gone and won’t be forgotten!