
(…) (« These three inspirational Black Doctors have changed the Definition of Success »)!(In Collaboration with « Face2 to Face Africa »)

-(Reminder of Facts):(« The Conclusion is from our Staff »)- (Media Mirror)(Paris)

-They met about two decades ago inside the library of the (Xavier University of Lousiana) during their undergraduate Studies.The three had then gone through their own Struggles and had ended up at the College.One had to go through the daily challenges of living in the streets of (New York) and (Washinghton DC), while another used to deal drugs on the streets of (New Orleans).The third lived in (Chicago) with parents who were addicted to drugs, according to the associated Press.But with hard work and perseverance, the three young Black men are now board certified Doctors:(Pierre Jhonson)(37), (Max Madhere)(37), and (Joe Semen)(40) told (AP) they know what they were up against when they started their education at (Xavier) in (1998).To become a (Doctor) and a (Black one) that was difficult as (Black Doctors) make up a minute percentage of (Doctors) in (America), have since recounted their struggles in their recently released Book(« Pulse of Perseverance-(3) « Black Doctors » on their journey to Success.The Book is also a blueprint for « African Americans »,particularly males, who may be going through similar challenges as the ones they faced while growing up, reports  » the Village free Press ».( » A success story indeed, in other words, where there is a Will, there is also a Way ») definitely!