(« Spiritual Warfare for the « Coronavirus »):(« An Inner Dialogue and Revelation »):(« GOD ALMIGHTY IS ANGRY »)!


-(« God almighty is Angry »)!!!-(From « YVES T BOUAZO CLOSELY » WITH « DR AVA BROWN » in (UK).

-A few days ago,an orthodox jews rabbin made it clear in his own words in the mass media in (Israel):(« CORONAVIRUS » was a divine punishment of gay parade »)!We come to conclusion that it was a visionary révélation because a christian sister just said that she has got an inner dialogue that (« God almighty is angry »)!

-According to the holy scriptures of the bible it’s recorded:(« For them, there will be a great tribulation such as has not occured since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again (« ref:matt:24:21 »).
-In addition to that verse and chapter, remember that the destruction is coming:In consequence, we can pray for personal salvation and redemption,but the world is destined for destruction:In the same trend,the global socio economic political and religious institutions are going to be destroyed later on in that prophetic spirit:Furthermore, these are the last days that (« Jesus ») warned us about (1000 ) years ago!

-Down the line, our father in the heaven is really « angry » and he is the only one who can stop it so healing, salvation and redemption must come from the most high:But the righteous man always stands firm…Let’s worship and praise the Lord!